Act for Better Child Care 1987 House of Representatives

Yous can make a difference in just 5 minutes. That'southward all it takes to learn about the effect and send a letter of the alphabet to your elected officials. The actions of our government have an enormous touch on on the futurity of our children. History teaches the states that every vote can matter. Use PACCA's Legislative Action Middle to easily communicate with your elected officials and discover out where they stand up on the issues.

To sign-up for our action alerts and emails click Hither.


Through its online advocacy tool, PACCA members can respond to advocacy alerts, identify their local legislators and send tailored letters to land and federal policymakers. To find an elected policymaker click on the link beneath and enter your accost. The folio will populate with the names of your PA Senate, PA House, and Federal Firm Member. Past clicking on their link it volition take yous to their Homepage where you will exist able to reach out via email and social media.


Governor Tom Wolf (D)

Ship a message to Governor Wolf past clicking Hither

Office of the Governor
508 Principal Capitol Edifice
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: (717) 787-2500
Fax: (717) 772-8284

Senator Robert P. Casey (D)

Send a message to Senator Casey by clickingHither.

393 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Telephone: (202) 224-6324
Toll-Free: (866) 802-2833
Fax: (202) 228-0604

Senator Patrick Toomey (R)

Transport a message to Senator Toomey by clicking Here.

248 Russell Senate Function Edifice
Washington, D.C. 20510
Telephone: (202) 224-4254
Fax: (202) 228-0284

President Joseph Biden (D)

Send a message to President Biden by clickingHERE

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Telephone NUMBERS
Comments: (202) 456-1111
Switchboard: (202) 456-1414

Current Action ALERTS


Take Part in Action to #SaveChildCare
Decisions are being made on Capitol Hill right now that volition determine whether Congress passes a major investment in America's child care and early learning system before this central window of opportunity closes.  Share how you lot've been impacted by the child care crunch and inquire your Congressperson and Senators Casey and Toomey to ensure Congress passes significant, sustained funding for the kid care sector.



2022 Budget Negotiations Wrapping Up
Equally part of the terminal 2021-22 upkeep, we are asking that PA policymakers include line item increment for pre-thousand and habitation visiting and employ American Rescue Plan funds to strengthen our child intendance system and workforce. Urgent action is needed to tell the legislative leaders currently in budget negotiations - Make our recommendations part of the concluding budget deal!



Urge the PA General Assembly to back up Early Learning in the FY 2021-2022 Upkeep
Sign the petition urging state lawmakers to provide much-needed resource to preserve the Commonwealth's existing early learning system and ensure the healthy development of more immature children. Includes child intendance requests to:

  • Serve at least 3,000 additional infants and toddlers in new loftier-quality contracted slots

  • Restore and fully fund Education and Retention Awards

  • Ensure federal stimulus funds are invested wisely to strengthen the arrangement



Help Us Thank Congress for Early Learning Relief Funds!
While we know in that location is much more back up needed, this will help, and we want to thank Congress for including funds that will direct support early on learning providers. Please join usa and the Starting time Strong PA Campaign in thanking Congress for the COVID relief.


CLOSED 12/15/20

Keep Early Learning Strong!
Pre-K for PA, Start Strong PA, and Babyhood Begins At Home are urging Governor Wolf to further stabilize our early learning continuum of services as part of his upcoming 2021-2022 land upkeep proposal. Please take a moment to add your name to our petition to Governor Wolf. Together we tin can ship a potent message to Keep Early Learning Strong in Pennsylvania! Sign our petition today



Early on Learning Budget and Policy Updates – Some Good News!
While our fight is not over, we want y'all to bring together u.s. in thanking Governor Wolf and the General Associates for maintaining country funding for child care, pre-k, and dwelling visiting line items in the final 2020-21 state budget!



Tell Lawmakers: Child Intendance Matters
Budget negotiations are going on At present! Bring together providers, parents, advocates, and allies from across Pennsylvania and tell Governor Wolf and the General Assembly that they must include funding in upkeep negotiations to keep early learning strong! At a minimum, our elected officials must maintain country funding for the Child Care Services and Child Intendance Assistance line items at FY 2019-2020 levels.



End the Reinstatement of Child Intendance Subsidy Payments Based on Attendance
Nosotros know that the child care industry is critical for families and our economic system. There is no doubt that if there is no child care, in that location is no economic recovery.  Join providers, parents, advocates, and allies from across Pennsylvania in demanding that Governor Wolf and our General Assembly Cease the reinstatement of a policy that will shut more than child care providers!



Yous did it! Nosotros did it! Send a Thank You to Governor Wolf and the General Assembly!
Showtime Potent PA and Pre-K for PA supporters sent over 20,000 emails urging our elected officials to Salve Early Learning! They heard us! Bring together us in thanking the Governor and General Assembly for authorizing stimulus funds to save early learning!



FINAL:House and Senate to Vote Budget Adjacent Calendar week: Ship a Final ECE Message Today
Earlier this week, the Wolf Administration announced its plan to release $51 million in federal CARES Act child care funding. This is a stride forwards for programs serving subsidized and private pay children in recovering a portion of lost revenue from subsidy parent co-pays and private tuition.
Our FINAL Message to the Governor and General Assembly calls for more firsthand and robust economic stimulus to save early learning programs in Pennsylvania.



Calendar week iii: Tell Policymakers ECE Programs Need Assistance to Reopen
We know providers desire to ensure families that their facilities are safe when children are able to return. In order to instill that conviction and the safety of children and staff, all early learning program staff must receive grooming and providers must receive funding to support those cleaning efforts.
Join united states in urging the Governor and Full general Assembly to require every child care, Pre-K Counts and Head Start plan to nourish free preparation on sanitizing practices AND to provide the funding necessary to implement cleaning efforts before re-opening.



Calendar week 2: Ask Policymakers to help stabilize child care
Delight take a few minutes to ship the Week #2 message urging PA lawmakers to qualify emergency funding to cover a portion of lost revenues foruncollected private pay kid intendance tuition through the crisis menses.



Week 1: Cover Parent Co-Pays
Pennsylvania volition receive near $106.4 million for child care stimulus funds from the federal CARES Human activity. The next half-dozen weeks are disquisitional in our advocacy efforts as policymakers decide how federal stimulus funds are spent and address other concerns associated with COVID-19. Delight take a few minutes this calendar week to urge PA lawmakers that efforts to save early on learning programs in PA must authorize emergency funding to cover the costs of the parent co-pay for children enrolled in child care subsidy .
This is the get-go in a six-week campaign focusing on ensuring that there are resource to assist child care recover.



Tell PA Lawmakers: Economic Recovery Depends on the Survival of Child Care
Stimulus funds and related legislation are urgently needed to stabilize our kid care system, ensuring that programs survive so they are available when families return to piece of work. Swift action is needed past the Governor and General Associates to forbid the collapse of our child intendance system. PACCA is working with its colleagues on the Kickoff Strong PA and Pre-K for PA Campaigns to reach out to the Governor and members of the Full general Associates.



Tell your State Senator and Representative to increase funding for kid care
Governor Wolf'southward 20-21 budget address highlighted child care equally a disquisitional workforce support and one of the priorities of this twelvemonth's budget but included no new land funds to increase admission or quality. Our senators and representatives need to hear from us throughout budget negotiations to make child care a priority in this budget!



Remind Your Legislator to Sign Their 2022 Resolution!
In December, Showtime Strong PA delivered a New year's resolution photo frame to every fellow member of the General Assembly. Within the frame is the following resolution and a place for their signature. Throughout Jan, we are request child care providers to send photos of infants and toddlers to their policymakers for them to identify inside their frames.



Contact your legislator about high-quality child care funding
This year'south budget independent some good news for child care ... Using new federal dollars Pennsylvania was able to increment child care spending; however, country appropriators reduced the state kid care budget by $36 million, replacing those dollars with federal funds. This reduction of state funds means nosotros will have to fight harder in the coming years to restore and abound Pennsylvania'southward investments in kid intendance admission, quality, and workforce supports. Bring together us in letting legislators know that while we appreciate the consideration placed on high-quality baby and toddler child care during this budget season, remind them nosotros need their support for our youngest children to receive a quality educational foundation through high-quality kid care through investing state resources.



Let Gov. Wolf Know Yous Support Investments in ECE
The Pennsylvania Kid Care Clan is joining our partners on the Start Strong PA, as well every bit the Pre-K for PA and Childhood Begins At Home Campaigns to urge Governor Wolf to increase investments in PA's early learning programs. The Governor presents his proposed budget for FY 2020-2021 to the General Assembly in February, but now is the time he and his staff are crafting their upkeep priorities.



Sign on your Arrangement to Urge Congress to Enhance the Caps on Non-Defence Discretionary Funding
We need to show our support for Congress' efforts to raise the caps on non-defence force discretionary funding – the budget category that funds key programs for children and families, like CCDBG, Caput Showtime, and others. Please add your ORGANIZATION to the list of national, state and local organizations urging Congress to enhance the caps on non-defense discretionary funding by COB Dominicus, JULY 21st then we can share with the Loma on Mon.



Ask Your Legislators to Increase Country Child Intendance Funds
PACCA and the Starting time Strong PA Campaign need you to urge your state legislators to support the Governor's proposal to allocate federal funds and to work together and arts and crafts a upkeep that increases state funds for child care by $50 million. With an boosted investment of $fifty 1000000 in country funding, Pennsylvania will aid to ensure the healthy development of ten,000 infants and toddlers.



Brand Your Phonation Heard and Sign-On To Ask Congress to Increase Federal Child Care Funding
We are advocating for greater investments in federal child care funding and we need your organization to bring together us in signing a letter to encourage the Pennsylvania delegation to support the increase.  To let for an increase in kid intendance funding, it is essential that our delegation back up an overall increase in the budgetary caps on domestic spending and a proportionate increase in funding to the Labor-Health and Human Services-Education appropriations bill. We are taking organizational sign-ons. If you lot are authorized to sign-on for your arrangement, please click through to the letter.



Child Care Action Twenty-four hours
Today is Child Intendance Action Day 2022 - Build Bright Futures! We may not be having a big rally in Harrisburg this year, but nosotros can still carry a message that will resonate in the halls of the capitol

Budget negotiations between the House and Senate Leaders and the Governor's Office are not over. Reach out to your state representatives and urge them to support Governor Wolf's proposed 27 meg dollar increase to kid intendance funding.



Inquire the PA House and Senate to Increase State Child Care Funding

  • What is happening?
    Gov. Wolf proposed a $27 million funding increase for child care. Now nosotros need the Full general Assembly to support it as the state budget for financial year 2018-19 is finalized.

  • Why does it thing?
    The governor'due south investment would allow more families to access child care subsidies they need to piece of work and support quality child care for children through tiered reimbursement rate increases. Equally a provider, yous know firsthand the difference loftier-quality care makes in the life of a kid and their family. Merely, you also know the kid care arrangement is significantly underfunded and we demand increased investments to amend information technology.

Nosotros are asking child intendance providers across the state to sign-on to a letter to the Pennsylvania senators and representatives request them to support the $27 1000000 increase in state funds.

Please sign your organization on to the letter by close of business on Wednesday, May thirty! Your voice matters!



In a perfect earth Congress ... would pass a bill that would …

  • Lower child care costs for low-income and eye-income families to a maximum of seven percent of household income through a sliding scale, regardless of how many children they have.

  • Support universal access to loftier-quality preschool programs for all depression- and middle-income 3- and 4-yr-olds

  • Significantly improve compensation and training for the child care workforce to ensure that our nation'south teachers and caregivers accept the support they need.

  • Improve the quality of kid intendance past ensuring that funding is available to enable providers to maintain high standards.

The proficient news is a bill like this exists – it'due south called the Child Intendance for Working Families Act. Information technology was introduced in September, with our own Senator Bob Casey helping to atomic number 82 the accuse.



Increment CCDBG in FY 2022 Appropriation Bill
We have an opportunity ... There is a proposal in Congress that would double discretionary funding for the Child Care and Development Block Grant for FY 2018. We are collecting signatures urging Pennsylvania'southward congressional delegation to back up this request. This is an important opportunity to secure additional funding for kid intendance assist, and we as a community must be vocal nearly our support with our delegation.

National and Country Policymaker


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