Funny Bye Bye Gif Faces by Cats Dog Says by
(201 hingga 300 dari 357 balasan di [Official Thread] Bye Bye Words)
kmacgray bilang:
Zee Jenkins:
How dare you mess with our delicate sensibilities, sir.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest bilang:
I actually enjoy it!
*Now* you do...
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest mengedit topik ini 64 bulan yang lalu.
ausfi bilang:
Some of Flickr's April jokes have been really good, like the flickrdither. Anyone remember that?
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest bilang:
Zee Jenkins:
This is indeed an April Fools joke and temporary (maybe) feature.
Awwww...... now that's *not* funny!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Paul B Jones bilang:
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Brenda Anderson bilang:
Zee Jenkins:
temporary (maybe) feature.
SAD! Maybe you can make all the Explore pages show only dogs? (cats are so 2006).
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Brenda Anderson bilang:
the flickrdither
heehee. that caused a bit of a reaction. Get it? :)
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Pacdog bilang:
Brenda Anderson:
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
skagitrenee bilang:
Thanks for the stress, It filled my already filled day.
But thanks for sparing me of a sleepless night.
WOOF! indeed...
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
ColetteNathan bilang:
Zee Jenkins:
temporary (maybe) feature.
I would prefer to see the word temporary without the (maybe) next to it....Then I can feel totally stupid for having believed this joke!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Robert Drozda bilang:
What is a hashtag? Is it a meme?
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Pacdog bilang:
Is now...
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
ausfi bilang:
Wait, have people really left over this?
No, someone just threatened to go if Flickr would go "image-only" :)
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
kmacgray bilang:
Buddha's Ghost bilang:
Zee Jenkins:
Alright y' figured us out. Well...some of you did. This is indeed an April Fools joke and temporary (maybe) feature.
...and here I thought I was going to finally have to stop surfing Flickr with my tallywacker out.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Buddha's Ghost bilang:
Brenda Anderson:
Maybe you can make all the Explore pages show only dogs?
I think they should make all the Explore images be displayed upside-down for April Fools' Day. That would really irk a bunch of people.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
LisaM in NYC~ bilang:
Seriously, is it an April Fools joke?! I just logged on to Flickr and to click on a page seeing that flashing tongue at me, ugh, please don't consider it ever, it's bad enough on FB. Ok, hahaha, hopefully is it a joke.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Robert Drozda bilang:
Yes, you can find all of us now at
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
HaarFager bilang:
How long did it take coders to come up with this bad Facebook-ripoff? And couldn't they have spent this time elsewhere, fixing something that is broken? One only has to peruse the forums to know what I mean. I'm not going to take the time to spell it out. Again.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
@_megareds_ bilang:
Joke or not... get the gif out of my comment section! NOW. I paid for my account so I could avoid this crap, real advertising or fake advertising, it's my art!!! Get it away.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Robert Drozda bilang:
What's Facebook? Is it a hashtag?
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Pacdog bilang:
Twitter is hashtags.. FB is trying to copy...
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest bilang:
ONLY 225 comments in TEN whole hours? C'mon Flickrites, you can do better than that!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Deadman's Handle bilang:
I don't care if it's an April Fool or not. It's bad taste and it's obviously an invention from the rapidly deteriorating US of A. Clear your heads and stop insulting your world wide customers. Please.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
John Frattura bilang:
<-- Smokin a #hashtag.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Pacdog bilang:
Deadman's Handle:
LOL.. Comparing any web company to a country did make me smile. Well done Sir. =o)
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Deadman's Handle bilang:
post script. Mr Jenkins, whose profile looks like this -
'Look at me I'm on Flickr. I'm so arty.
I like rich colors and meaningful shadows.
I'm like super sassy and have an affinity for lights.
That's enough for now.
Gurl, bye.'
His own words. He can't spell 'colours'. His use of grammar is suspect, to say the least, and he seems to have some 'sway' within the flickr hierarchy. I, for one, am seriously worried. I'm a great fan of his home city, and I worry that my photographs of San Francisco along with the rest of my photographic legacy will be corrupted and force me to seek a home elsewhere. 'April Fool' my arse, this is the thin edge of the wedge.
This prank has backfired. Many of my UK associates will be leaving flickr if this childish GIF is not removed.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
The Searcher bilang:
Deadman's Handle: That's not how "color" is spelled outside of the EU. Once the Brexit is complete I think you're contractually required to spell it the U.S. (correct) way.
Gotta read that fine print.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Deadman's Handle bilang:
Do you mean 'got to read that fine print'? South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the English speaking people of India, Japan and China all spell 'colour' in the original form, i.e.; the spelling that existed before the USA existed.(and they mostly drive on the left!)
Just joshing with you 'The Searcher'!
The Brexit thing is a disaster for the likes of me. I love the USA and have spent a lot of time over there, mainly photographing trains. The pound/dollar exchange rate has plummeted thanks to Brexit, as has all exchange rates. Foreign travel is becoming a difficult thing, even within Europe. I despair of my fellow short sighted countrymen and women that voted for it.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Tatters ✾ bilang:
Great Day of Fools joke! Thank you, Flickr
Oh, I want to record my emotion here in comment! :))
Comment by MabelAmber about "Where is my lipstick and hat" was the most appropriate : LOL:
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
315Edith bilang:
Please remove that feature, its annoying
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Alan.Rust bilang:
Deadman's Handle:
Well here' s one from UK who appreciates a joke.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Alan.Rust mengedit topik ini 64 bulan yang lalu.
merripat bilang:
Hate it. Don't want to see this option over and over again.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
painting in light bilang:
MabelAmber***Pluto5339***As yet incognito....:
I did not comment because my legal representative and I were out with the local film company signing contracts to produce and direct my GIF's - I take Flipper very seriously.
Now I find out it's a joke!!!!!!!!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
rebel argument bilang:
Great! But ONLY as a April Fool !!!!!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Ruari at Kiloran bilang:
I find this addition both annoying and childish. We "pro" users pay Flickr for the use of this social media site, and not for inane rubbish like this to be shown - it just degredates the visual impact. Have removed or at least allow paid up members the ability to turn it off.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Stefano Rugolo bilang:
It could be fun to see our faces making grins and so on but please for that create another site. Maybe as is asking is must be an April Fool joke right??
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Steve Taylor (Photography) bilang:
I hope it is an April fool joke, and I do not like this at all
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Miss Mandarina bilang:
A good joke would be to remove of Explore all the sunsets and sunrises. I'm sick of it!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Levina de Ruijter bilang:
No doubt people who love taking selfies and posting duck faces will love this and I'm pleased for them. No, seriously, I am.
Unfortunately I'm not one of them and I too would like the option to have it turned off so it's not visible on top of my comments.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
CarlaFrancisco bilang:
Good :D
Thank you :)
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
kmacgray bilang:
You all must be a hoot at parties.
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Alan.Rust bilang:
Miss Mandarina:
Then why look? :-)))
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
jonron239 bilang:
very very funny - just so long as it disappears for good at midday PST ;-)
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
painting in light bilang:
Steve Taylor (Photography):
It had to be a joke because there is no way to set the safety level on it - just let your imagination wander.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
BrigitteE1 bilang:
lol, great 1.April joke!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
pstani bilang:
OK so it was just a joke. I hope... but after the 'new flickr sidebar fiasco' I was prepared to believe it was true... of course had it actually appeared today instead of yesterday I might have known for sure!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest bilang:
Deadman's Handle:
WOT are yous doin' then ey? Stone the crows, e's usin' Mr. Jenkinses profile information against' 'im!
Blimey mate, now that's pretty serious that is!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
dklaughman bilang:
Totally agree. Get the GIF out of here. Joke or not, it ran its course and failed.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
amazingstoker bilang:
remind me, what's the date today??
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Alan.Rust bilang:
But it did appear on the 1st April.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
BEARTOMCAT (Bear) bilang:
It's good to see Flickr staff having a break from the serious stuff and having a laugh- it fooled me when I saw it at first on a photo and I though 'Oh No, sh*t' , untiI I cottoned on reading here.
I should have known better as I did an April 1st prank in Frame It!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
mcnod bilang:
Some history of flickr's April Fools fun is documented in this forum:
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Shannonsong bilang:
Well I'm relieved I can turn my web cam off, lol!!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Good One ! Fooled, I was going to go hunt my setttings on how to turn it off.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
ratsj bilang:
I don't care if it's an April Fool or not. It's bad taste and it's obviously an invention from the rapidly deteriorating US of A. Clear your heads and stop insulting your world wide customers. Please.
I appreciate the sentiment about the rapidly deteriorating USA, but in fact my first reaction to "no more words" was that this was a stage in the evolution toward greater world-wide access, in the sense that language barriers would be somewhat lowered. I personally am not afraid of words, even if they are in a language I can't read, but I don't blame Flickr for trying to add something expressible a bit more, shall we say, universally.
Now if we could insert sound clips into these comments, i would treat y'all to Queen's ... no, maybe not. This is supposed to be a family show.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Mike Slade. bilang:
Just sad very sad.
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anuwintschalek bilang:
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Avvie_ bilang:
Was about to say how about hurry up and fixing Aviary instead of this stupid thing.
Happy April Fools Day.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
raining rita bilang:
When comments leave, I will leave!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!) bilang:
Reading this thread has been a wonderful way to pass a spare ten minutes or so...but I have to add... my in-built camera is covered with black tape, as advised by the FBI, so it won't work!
Happy April Fool's Day:)
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
A Palindrome bilang:
Who the heck thought this was a good idea?! Please allow people to opt out. Flickr is the ONLY "social media" site I use, precisely because it's not full of crap. I HATE ANIMATED GIFS as do many people!!! I want to read thoughtful responses, not animation seizures made for teenagers.
Thank you.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Pacdog bilang:
I'm having a blast with this just like I did with HO HO Ho hats and beards, but I will admit I might have lost a few followers in the last day. If you cannot take a joke then you are better not following me anyhow..
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
kmacgray bilang:
The sheer amount of angst being expended over a little April Fool's Day humor is astounding. And somewhat sad.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
afterforty‽ bilang:
~andre bilang:
ver a little April Fool's Day humorIt is rather hard to tell the difference between Flickr's April's Fool design pattern and their product road map, so it's not surprising that so many people are horrified that yet another less-than-useful feature is released.
I think Flickr should make their April Fool pranks a bit more obvious for people to find them hilarious and have fun with, and, may be, a little bit less laborious to clean up after the joke is over.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Ian Gedge bilang:
Well done, great April fools joke...but, please get rid of it quick!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
not a heron bilang:
It is rather hard to tell the difference between Flickr's April's Fool design pattern and their product road map,
This is a valid point.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
iofdi bilang:
I just want my dandelion crayon back!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
ColetteNathan bilang:
It is rather hard to tell the difference between Flickr's April's Fool design pattern and their product road map, so it's not surprising that so many people are horrified that yet another less-than-useful feature is released.
Very valid point!
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
BEARTOMCAT (Bear) bilang:
In readiness for the new reaction GIF's I've already made changes to the group I admin-
Awards- Original award saved, printed, glued to card, presented to camera and saved. HTML code written so members can copy & paste.
Sweep Failures- Reaction Gif of myself with a card saying 'Award Five' or 'You're Banned!' to post on the shot that failed the sweep. If seeing myself in a GIF isn't enough to scare anyone, nothing will!
Rules- Animated version of each rule on card with a big tick in green or a big cross in red.
Rule breaks-- Now this is where I'm having a problem. I've sent Reaction GIF's for rule breaks via Flickr mail and the receiver can't see the GIF, they can only see the wording for it which defeats the object of 'Bye Bye Words'. Will this be fixed soon?
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
kmacgray bilang:
It is rather hard to tell the difference between Flickr's April's Fool design pattern and their product road map, so it's not surprising that so many people are horrified that yet another less-than-useful feature is released.
You're proving my point. Humor is good, folks.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
kmacgray mengedit topik ini 64 bulan yang lalu.
~andre bilang:
Well, Google's Pacman is a good joke for the day. Having to look at less-than-pleasant GIFs and having to delete somebody's "reactions" from your photos isn't so much. Flickr has to raise the bar in their funny department next year.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
~andre bilang:
When I saw your post the first time, the GIF wasn't there. Now that it is, you are proving my point - that's just not funny.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
~andre mengedit topik ini 64 bulan yang lalu.
permissible slope bilang:
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permissible slope mengedit topik ini 64 bulan yang lalu.
kmacgray bilang:
You are always going to be more serious and I am always going to be more lighthearted. It's all good.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest bilang:
mick micro4-3:
[2] What is a "noob" ?, please try using English.
"Noob" IS English:
Unless you say that "slang" is not a valid addition to a language...
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
John Oram bilang:
OK, so enjoyed the joke as much as one enjoys frightening things. Now I really would like these things to be removed from Flickr. I hope we don't have to wait until Monday morning in SF.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
permissible slope bilang:
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
permissible slope mengedit topik ini 64 bulan yang lalu.
Alan.Rust bilang:
mick micro4-3:
stupid dumbed down

try using English
3 words pot, kettle & black.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
jschumacher bilang:
mick micro4-3:
"no intelligent adult would use it"
Noob is a perfectly cromulent word. I have been in conversations with faculty and students at some of the world's most prestigious universities when they have used the term. Language, especially English, changes. Words come in to, and fall out of, popularity and usage all the time.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Pacdog bilang:
Pacman? I was Pacman before I became Pacdog..
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
permissible slope bilang:
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permissible slope mengedit topik ini 64 bulan yang lalu.
mhobl bilang:
Das Ding ist widerlich, gräßlich, ich will es loswerden - aber wie?
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Pianowerk bilang:
kmacgray said "the sheer amount of angst being expended over a little April Fool's Day humor is astounding. And somewhat sad."
flickr in the last year/18months has really had a number of own goals and problems that seem to take a long time to fix. Whilst it may be fun for flickr staff to take the piss out of its pro payers in this instance and we can all laugh with sighs of relief (ha.ha.ha.) it would I feel be much better if flickr staff actually approached lots of outstanding fixes/issues with a modicum of professionalism. Perhaps if they can get flickr working, then they can have a belly laugh at pro payers expense?
Still it was a good one and one can only hope that this fools joke disappears as quickly as it came and focus can be applied to getting flickrs shit back together.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
johnjmurphyiii bilang:
Why sacrifice words for GIFs? Allow both methods of communication to be used. I get many comments on my photos, including questions, so allow the Word to continue. How hard could it be? The set-up for Flickr Groups allows for both an Alpha and a Beta version, so go GIF but keep the written word as well. If this an April Fool's joke, fine; but there is much truth in jest.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest bilang:
mick micro4-3:
It is a stupid slang term and no intelligent adult would use it when talking to someone. It may be used on trash web sites but would you want to teach children such stupidity
Tell the editors of dictionaries (and not the least):
Actually the history of "noob" is quite interesting, for those who for a moment overcome their resistance:
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
InnAtElmwood bilang:
Yes to Staff working on the real issues to make Flickr something Verizon will want to own, and want to promote.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
pstani bilang:
Well said.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
pstani bilang:
Alan FEO2:
No, it appeared on March 30th. Which was one reason people took the thing seriously.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
kmacgray bilang:
It didn't appear on March 30. That was two days ago (from where I am located). It appeared after April 1 had already arrived on Earth. Depending on where you are, this may have seemed early.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
pstani bilang:
Most certainly was still March - 31st (sorry) in UK! That is why some of the earliest comments were querying whether it was an April 1st joke arrived one day too early! Turns out they were right, but not everybody believed it at the time. (Me included!)
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
not a heron bilang:
You're right about the state of Flickr of course, but you can laugh or you can cry, either way the awesome new features will stay half-implemented. So I decided to decide that the plausibility of this joke and the way it partly backfired just makes it even funnier.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
not a heron mengedit topik ini 64 bulan yang lalu.
MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest bilang:
Alan FEO2:
But it did appear on the 1st April.
It appeared after April 1
For me, based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, the Official Topic was posted at :
Posted at 7:04PM, 31 March 2017 CEST it says at the bottom of the Official Topic.
ed. to remove symbol
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest mengedit topik ini 64 bulan yang lalu.
mag3737 bilang:
I think Flickr should make their April Fool pranks a bit more obvious for people to find them hilarious and have fun with, and, may be, a little bit less laborious to clean up after the joke is over.
1. Do you REALLY think the humorless people can ever find humor?
2. I for one don't mind if this little bit of Foolish residue sticks around.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Brenda Anderson bilang:
Posted at 6:04AM, 1 April 2017 NZST for me. Flickr is international after all. :)
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
kmacgray bilang:
MabelAmber***Pluto5339***As yet incognito....:
The world day begins long before local Amsterdam time.
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest bilang:
The world day begins long before local Amsterdam time.
What's the sense here? You might as well tell that to anyone in a different time zone than where Flickr HQ is located.
In short: there is no *world day".
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
Giant_Schnauzer bilang:
"Where does the day start in the world?
Just east of New Zealand's tiny Chatham Islands is the invisible International Date Line. The Chatham Islands are specks of land so exposed they seem in danger of being blown away by the Roaring Forties. East of them is the area where the world begins and ends each day.Dec 30, 1995
Where the world begins and ends each day | The Independent"
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest bilang:
Well whatever, my point is very simply that when this April Fool's day joke was launched it was not yet April 1st in my time zone.
Thanks for the information ;)
Di-posting pada 64 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest mengedit topik ini 64 bulan yang lalu.
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